Thursday, March 15, 2012

What it means to be a woman.

In 5 months I will be turning 30 years old. I'm told that your 30's are so much better than your 20's because you know who you are and you can just be yourself. This has me thinking if I really know who I am or my place in this world. And for that matter, if I ever will. I ponder if I've made the right choices and if I am being the best mother, wife, employee, Christian, etc. that I can be. Somehow I always feel a bit inadequate. I know I could do better. I try but the perfectionist in me feels I could do much better. All my life I have feared missing out on something and I suppose that I fear that not being perfect will make me miss out on a happy and fulfilling life. But maybe these are all part of being human. Or maybe even more specific. Perhaps it is part of being a woman.

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